A cat inside a tiny gaming room

I was watching the latest VFX Artists React on Youtube, and on the 4:30 minute mark, they showed a miniature apartment that was perfectly thought out down to the most minuscule detail. The description of the clip said “Xing Zhilei Who Loves to Tinker – Douyin”, but searching it on Google didn’t turn up many results.

So I dug into the Chinese version of TikTok called Douyin, and through the magic of Google Translate I managed to find the elusive Xing Zhilei. His Douyin handle is @爱鼓捣的邢志磊 so you can check out the rest of his videos there. The thing is, there are a lot of verification steps in Chinese, so it is not the easiest thing to get around them all.

In any case, you can also find some of his videos below.

And here’s the clip with the tiny desktop computer from the VFX Artists React video. Really amazing stuff!

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